Thursday, 1 September 2011

Seeing beyond the illusions

As I thought about what I wanted to write about today my glance fell on a piece of paper in front on me that said VISION DIRECT...and it so resonated with me. I am just reading a book called Disappearance of the Universe which was about the way we perceive this world and about the illusions that surround us. In addition it is about gaining peace through forgiveness of others and of the self.
This fitted in nicely with a recent workshop I did in Malaysia called Mid Brain Activation. The  workshop helped  children brains’  to be  activated for maximum function and amazingly at the end of the two days they could see  blindfolded and do activities like colouring with blindfolds on!. If you want to find out more you can look on So here I was sitting amongst these children hoping to see with a blindfold on. However David Ting had warned me that it rarely works with adults as we have compensation over compensation, mask over mask, and  some of us have seemed to be too far removed away from  authentic self.
Though I was not able to see blindfolded as the children could, it seems that the workshop took off my blindfold! I was able to identify the shape and the colours of the cards because of the activation which but more importantly the activation made me SEE life in a totally different way and firmly put me back on my path. And what I was able to see was this........

The world I see holds nothing that I want and beyond the illusions and ego is a world that I want. 

I believe that all things I had  been seeking had  limited  and added a bar across the awareness of  myself and nothing is worth holding onto to delay from the truth as this will free me and allow me to value the peace of God. And having been born into a religion that advocates PEACE above all, my eyes were opened and my sight was changed but not as the workshop intended.

 For me now it is not  about giving up the opportunities of the world but of continuing with my daily life and focusing on something that is more satisfying by seeing through the illusions and thereby connecting with my authentic self ( the pono in hooponopono) and being congruent with my heart. A moment of choice between two worlds. So it seemed that in the silent darkness as I close my eyes and watch the light of this world it loses its meaning and blends into another. Here I see the light that the eyes cannot see and it is as A Course of Miracles describes all I have feared to ever lose was only LOSS and so there is no loss. And here is the Peace of I.